Dr. KB IPR Consultancy

Patent,Trade Mark, Industrial Design & Copyrights Filing as Professional service in India

Dr. KB IPR Consultancy provides a comprehensive range of Intellectual Property (IP) services including Patent, Trade Mark, Copyright, and Industrial Design.

Dr. KB IPR Consultancy team comprises qualified and registered Patent Agents, Trade Mark Agents, Attorneys, and Subject Matter Experts.

Dr. KB IPR Consultancy cater to a diverse clientele, including Individuals, Industries, faculty members, research scholars, students, entrepreneurs, Start-ups, Institutions, MSMEs, and Universities.

Kindly contact us for further details:

For any enquiry: +91-8610278933
For E-mail: drkbipr@gmail.com
team meeting

Our Services

1.Patent Filing: Dr. KB IPR Consultancy assists with patent search, drafting complete specification and other application forms for submission at the Patent Office. We also provide patentability search/novelty search, patent claim & mapping services, international patent filing (PCT application), patent renewal, patent office action, response to FER and hearing notice, attending hearing and preparation of written submission documents.

2. Trade Mark Registration: Dr. KB IPR Consultancy handle trade mark searches and prepare necessary forms for submission of trade mark registration at the trade mark office. We also provide trade mark watch services, trademark opposition, trademark international filing.

3. Copyright Registration: DDr. KB IPR Consultancy conducts copyright searches and assists with the preparation of forms for submission of copyrights application for registration.

4. Industrial Design Registration: Dr. KB IPR Consultancy provide services related to industrial design searches and prepare necessary forms for submission of industrial design application for registration.


Additionally, Dr. KB IPR Consultancy regularly conducts One-day Awareness Workshops on IPR at your location. These workshops aim to motivate and foster an innovative culture within organizations. Participants gain meaningful insights into intellectual property, enhancing their existing knowledge in this field.

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Feel Free To Send Us a Message About Your Needs

For any enquiry: +91-8610278933

For E-mail: drkbipr@gmail.com